Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Welcome Austin!

We thought starting a blog would be a great way for family and friends far away to keep posted on what is going on with us (mostly Austin!). Since we are a little behind we will start at the beginning...

After 9 months, Baby Cozby's due date came and went- March 21st. After a long night of not feeling well, contractions and little sleep, 7am on March 25th rolled around and I decided it was time to go to the hospital. We get there, check in and are shown our little room where they hook me up to a couple monitors to measure my contractions and the baby's heartbeat. I was only dialated to a 2 and the contractions weren't strong enough to make me dialate any more. We go walk around for an hour, go back to our room and get hooked up again. No changes. The nurse gives me a sleeping pill and sends me home to take a nap and see what happens when I wake up.

Went home and slept from 11-3, woke up and was still having contractions. They kept getting stronger but we were told to wait until they were 2-3 minutes apart for an hour. We kept waiting and finally around 7pm decided to make our way to the hospital again. It felt like it took forever to get to the hospital. Jared drops me off where my mom and Jared's mom are waiting with a wheelchair to take me to the 2nd floor. We get to the delivery floor and move to the same room they checked me in that morning. The nurse comes in to check me and tells me I'm dialated to a 10! What?! We are whisked away to the delivery room and all craziness breaks out. The room isn't prepared so the nurses are scrambling and they are calling our doctor. I keep asking for my epidural but it was too late. Thankfully our doctor arrives and tells me in 5 contractions we should have our baby. At 7:57pm March 25th, Austin Jared Cozby arrives. 7lbs 8 oz and 20.5 inches long- PERFECT. From the time we arrived at the hospital to the time he was born only 37 minutes had passed! Good thing we didn't wait any longer at home. Daddy, Grandma Carla, Grandma Kim, and Grandpa Ray were all there for his arrival- thanks to all of you! Welcome Austin!


  1. OMG, Marci! That's a great story! :) And thankfully had a good ending (i.e. Jared didn't have to deliver Austin in the car!) Thanks for sharing. ~ Linda from Oregon

  2. Marci,
    you are a very calm person...you probably would have been able to direct Jared if need be...your baby is beautiful....Lorrie
